
A Healthy Colon for a Healthy Life

  I N S T R U C T I O N S  

Here’s the Plan

The Colon Cleanse Program consists of following a fruit-based diet and taking
Oxy-Powder and Latero-Flora for six days. Take 2 capsules of Latero-Flora every
morning 20 minutes before your morning meal. Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder
two hours after your evening meal with 250ml of purified water.

Adjust as Needed

Taking Oxy-Powder should make you have three to five bowel movements
the following day. If it doesn’t, increase your serving to 8 capsules for
the remainder of the cleanse. If you have more than three to five bowel
movement, decrease your serving by 1-2 capsules. Additionally, you can
add lemon juice to your drinking water in the evenings to boost the
effectiveness of Oxy-Powder.

During the cleanse, you may experience loose, watery stools. Note that this is normal and an indication that you’re cleansing properly.





Keep Track of Your Cleanse

✅ Check off each day, take a picture of your progress, and share it on Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #HowILiveHealthy

  D I E T  

How You Should Eat During This Cleanse

When doing the colon cleanse, it’s best to eat fresh, organic or locally grown fruit. Fruit is ideal for providing the nutrition that helps the body draw out toxins, and it also ensures the intestinal tract is hydrated and able to support the cleansing process. If you prefer vegetables over fruit, you can substitute leafy greens, garlic, artichokes, and Brussels sprouts into your diet.

Fruits That Encourage Intestinal Cleansing

  • ✔ Apples
  • ✔ Blueberries
  • ✔ Pineapple
  • ✔ Avocados
  • ✔ Grapefruit
  • ✔ Raspberries
  • ✔ Bananas
  • ✔ Oranges
  • ✔ Watermelon
  • ✔ Blackberries
  • ✔ Papaya
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